Refine search House Unit BLAKEVIEW BURTON CRAIGMORE DAVOREN PARK ELIZABETH ELIZABETH DOWNS ELIZABETH EAST ELIZABETH GROVE ELIZABETH NORTH ELIZABETH PARK ELIZABETH VALE GOLDEN GROVE GREEN FIELDS GREENWITH HILLBANK MAWSON LAKES MUNNO PARA MUNNO PARA WEST PARA HILLS PARAFIELD GARDENS PARALOWIE SALISBURY SALISBURY HEIGHTS SALISBURY NORTH SALISBURY PLAIN SMITHFIELD SMITHFIELD PLAINS TORRENSVILLE WEST HINDMARSH WYNN VALE Price From $ 0 p.w. $ 50 p.w. $ 100 p.w. $ 150 p.w. $ 200 p.w. $ 250 p.w. $ 300 p.w. $ 350 p.w. $ 400 p.w. $ 450 p.w. $ 500 p.w. $ 600 p.w. $ 700 p.w. $ 800 p.w. $ 900 p.w. $ 1,000 p.w. $ 1,500 p.w. $ 2,000 p.w. $ 5,000 p.w. $ 10,000 p.w. Price To $ 0 p.w. $ 50 p.w. $ 100 p.w. $ 150 p.w. $ 200 p.w. $ 250 p.w. $ 300 p.w. $ 350 p.w. $ 400 p.w. $ 450 p.w. $ 500 p.w. $ 600 p.w. $ 700 p.w. $ 800 p.w. $ 900 p.w. $ 1,000 p.w. $ 1,500 p.w. $ 2,000 p.w. $ 5,000 p.w. $ 10,000 p.w. Bed 1 2 3 4 5 Bath 1 2 3 4 5 Park 1 2 3 4 5 Gallery View Map View Leased Properties 74 properties found Sort by: Suburb: A-Z Suburb: Z-A Last Updated Listing Date (Latest) Listing Date (Oldest) Price: Highest to Lowest Price: Lowest to Highest Leased 3 1 1 Neat and Tidy Home 8 Ballard Street SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA Leased 3 1 1 Modern 3 Bedroom Apartment 19/9-13 Yates Street MAWSON LAKES SA Leased 2 1 1 Low Maintenance Comfortable Living 7 Jonas Street MUNNO PARA SA Leased 3 2 1 Freshly Renovated Home! 64 St Leonard Crescent ELIZABETH DOWNS SA Leased 3 1 2 3 Bedroom Home On A Quiet Street 35 Old Sarum Road ELIZABETH NORTH SA Leased 3 1 2 Captivating Character Filled Cottage! 22 Brooklyn Chase GREENWITH SA Leased 3 1 2 Beautiful house to call home! 68 Condor Ave BURTON SA Leased 4 2 4 Spacious 4 Bedroom Entertainers Delight! 20 Bishopstone Road DAVOREN PARK SA Leased 3 1 3 Neat & Sweet Living 245 Hogarth Road ELIZABETH GROVE SA Leased 3 1 2 Humble Abode 24 Mclean Street ELIZABETH PARK SA Leased 4 2 1 Spacious Family Home 10 Biarritz Street MUNNO PARA WEST SA Leased 4 2 2 Modern Paradise in Parafield 7A Resthaven Road PARAFIELD GARDENS SA Leased 3 1 1 Stylish Two-Storey Townhouse Offers Privacy and Security 2/47-49 Fenden Road SALISBURY PLAIN SA Leased 3 1 1 Renovated 3 Bedroom Semi 51 Worthington Road ELIZABETH EAST SA « Previous 1 2 3 4 Save Search Content not loaded yet...